
static, interference, intervention, intervene, get involved so as to alter or hinder an action, white noise, snow, fuzz, fuzzy, Fuzzy, ME

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Discovering Your God-Given Gifts

I took a very enlightening seminar with the above title today. The premise of which is that there are 7 God-Given Motivational Gifts that we all have although everyone has one or possibly two that they have in excess of the others. These seven gifts are Perceiver (declares the will of God), Server (renders practical service), Teacher (clarifies the truth of God's word), Exhorter (encourages personal growth or progress), Giver (shares material assistance and support), Administrator (gives leadership aid and pioneers), and Compassion (gives personal and emotional support). In the program, for every gift there was a twenty question personal evaluation which leads to a score for each gift. These tests revealed that my greatest gift was that of Teacher, which is also known as researcher. They tend to be very logical and base things on facts. This does not surprise me because I am a chemist and I am very good at my job. It also stated I have a very high score in compassion, which probably explains my knight in shining armor complex. In taking these tests, I was also able to recognize my friend the Exhorter (the cheerleader and social butterfly), and another friend who I think is a Giver with a strong Compassion gift. I think this is a great program and recommend it for anyone.

The casualties in Iraq for today are zero which is a very good thing. I hope although I doubt the same could be said on the Iraqi side. The total for the war is still 1221 and the month that I will document tonight is September 2003 in which 30 Americans were killedwhich brought the total up to 317. The Americans who died in Iraq in September 2003 were as follows:

September 1: Ssgt. Joseph Camara, Ssgt. Cameron B. Sarno, Sgt. Charles Todd Caldwell

September 2: PFC Christopher A. Sisson

September 4: Tech Sgt. Bruce E. Brown

September 7: Spc. Jarrett B. Thompson

September 9: Spc. Ryan G. Carlock

September 10: Ssgt. Joseph E. Robsky Jr.

September 11: Sgt. Henry Ybarra III

September 12: SFC William M. Bennett, Msgt. Kevin N. Morehead

September 14: Sgt. Trevor A. Blumberg

September 15: Spc. Alyssa R. Peterson, Ssgt. Kevin C. Kimmerly

September 18: Capt. Brian R. Faunce, Sgt. Anthony O. Thompson, Spc. Richard Arriaga, Spc. James C. Wright

September 20: Ssgt. Frederick L. Miller Jr., Spc. Lunsford B. Brown II, Sgt. David Travis Frederick

September 22: Spc. Paul J. Sturino

September 24: Spc. Michael Andrade

September 25: Capt. Robert L. Lucero, Spc. Kyle G. Thomas, SFC Robert E. Rooney

September 29: Sgt. Darrin K. Potter, Ssgt. Christopher E. Cutchall, Sgt. Andrew Joseph Baddick

September 30: Spc. Dustin K. McGaugh

The details on the precedin soldiers deaths can be found at Iraq Coalition Casualties.


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