What happened to yesterday??
Actually nothing, but as I really had a nothing day, I didn't see a point in posting anything yesterday. I should have kept up with the Americans killed in Iraq but I didn't. I will however, update the totals today. As of today, there have been a total of 1183 soldiers lost in Iraq, 13 more than there were Friday night. Starting tomorrow, I will try to start listing names again.
The major event for me yesterday was watching Donnie Darko. While it is a very good albeit very weird movie, having the high point of your day being a movie watched on television doesn't say much. Today, I had a much more interesting day. I got up, went to church where the children were doing an All Saints Mass. The 3rd Graders at St. Mary's dressed up as saints and came up to the front when Father Gene announced them. He then talked a little about that particular saint and mentioned their feast day. After mass, I picked up the book to the Discovering Your God Given Gifts seminar which will be happening next Sunday.
I spent this afternoon at the Old Town Art Center for my ex-girlfriend's mother's show opening. Kim invited me. From her perspective, there was nothing to asking me because she wanted to be friends when we broke up and there was no discussion about whether we could or not. She has asked to get together since she broke up with me but as I was the loser, I had to maintain a little pride and put her off. It has been 2 1/2 months and I am over the break-up. Having said that, it was strange seeing her. I also didn't meet her family when we were going out and I got to meet all of them except for her sister who lives in California. Her entire family are artists and her mother is a very talented water-color painter. I'm happy I went, although as I said, it was a little strange seeing Kim in the context of friendship.
I will end this here, and if nothing else, tomorrow I will start naming names. Goodnight.
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