
static, interference, intervention, intervene, get involved so as to alter or hinder an action, white noise, snow, fuzz, fuzzy, Fuzzy, ME

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


I should have figured that this would happen. The advantage of not letting people know about this blog was that I was able to say what I wanted without feedback. This is also a disadvantage because what I have to say may be completely out in left field. I told several of my friends and family recently what the address of this blog is and I got my first real feedback today. My sister Melissa, the second of my three sisters complained that she wasn't in my blog. I was a little embarrassed at first because I don't want to exclude her and there were a few times that I should have mentioned her, but my chagrin (on that point at least) was short lived, a quick search found that I mentioned her on her birthday of October 17th. There may be a few more mentions of her but I would have to go through about 100 entries. I love all of my brothers and sisters and do think about them every day even if I don't happen to mention them here. Melissa also pointed out a couple of misspelled words that she found. This actually was pretty big. I am a great speller and my grammar is very good. It actually is no surprise that my little sister, who is also very literate, would use this to poke at her big brother. So Melissa, I hope this is a good enough mention for you. I will try to mention you more when I talk to you.

In Iraq, there have been 8 Americans killed this month. Which brings the total up to 1341. I will detail the casualties in December on Saturday.


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