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Thursday, December 09, 2004

November Casualties in Iraq

I said in my last post that my next post would list the November casualties in Iraq. It is my next post and I'm going to list the November casualties in Iraq. As far as the casualties in December, 3 more people have been killed which brings the total for the month to 19 and 1276 for the war. The soldiers that were killed in November are as follows:

November 3: Sgt. Charles Joseph Webb

November 4: Lcpl. Jared P. Hubbard, Cpl. Jeremiah A. Baro, Spc. Cody L. Wentz

November 5: Sgt. Carlos M. Camacho-Rivera

November 6: Pvt. Justin R. Yoemans

November 7: Lcpl. Sean M. Langley, Spc. Quoc Binh Tran, Spc. Brian K. Baker

November 8: Cpl. Nathaniel T. Hammond, Lcpl. Shane K. O'Donnell, Lcpl. Branden P. Ramey, Ssgt. David G. Ries, Spc. Don Allen Clary, Lcpl. Jeffrey Lam, Lcpl. Joshua D. Palmer, Cpl. Robert P. Warns II, Lcpl. Thomas J. Zapp, Ssgt. Clinton Lee Wisdom, Spc. Bryan L. Freeman

November 9: Maj. Horst Gerhard "Gary" Moore, Com. Sgt. Maj. Steven W. Faulkenburg, Lcpl. Juan E. Segura, Cpl. William C. James, Ssgt. Todd R. Cornell, Sgt. Lonny D. Wells, Sgt. John Byron Trotter, Msgt. Steven E. Auchman, Ssgt. Russell L. Slay, Lcpl. Abraham Simpson, Spc. Travis A. Babbitt, Lcpl. Nicholas D. Larson, Lcpl. Nathan R. Wood, Sgt. David R. Caruso

November 10: 1st Lt. Dan T. Malcom Jr., Lcpl. Erick J. Hodges, Ssgt. Gene Ramirez, Lcpl. Aaron C. Pickering, PFC Dennis J. Miller Jr., Cpl. Romulo J. Jimenez II, Ssgt. Michael C. Ottolini, PO3 Julian Woods, Lcpl. Wesley J. Canning

November 11: Lcpl. Justin D. Reppuhn, Cpl. Peter J. Giannopoulos, Cpl. Theodore A. Bowling, Spc. Thomas K. Doerflinger, Ssgt. Theodore S. "Sam" Holder II, 2nd Lt. James P. "JP" Blecksmith, Lcpl. Kyle W. Burns, Ssgt. Sean P. Huey

November 12: Spc. Raymond L. White, 1st Lt. Edward D. Iwan, Lcpl. Nicholas H. Anderson, Cpl. Jarrod L. Maher, Sgt. Morgan W. Strader, Cpl. Nathan R. Anderson, Cpl. Brian P. Prening, Sgt. Jonathan B. Shields, Lcpl. David M. Branning, Lcpl. Brian A. Medina, Sgt. James C. "J.C." Matteson

November 13: Cpl. Kevin J. Dempsey, Sgt. Byron W. Norwood, Spc. Jose A. Velez, Lcpl. Benjamin S. Bryan, Lcpl. Justin D. McLeese, Lcpl. Victor R. Lu, Capt. Sean P. Sims, PFC Cole W. Larsen, Lcpl. Justin M. Ellsworth, Sgt. Catalin D. Dima

November 14: Cpl. Nicholas L. Ziolkowski, Lcpl. George J. Payton, Cpl. Andres H. Perez, Cpl. Dale H. Burger Jr.

November 15: Cpl. Marc T. Ryan, Lcpl. Jeremy A. Ailes, PFC Isaiah R. Hunt, Lcpl. Travis R. Desiato, Lcpl. Bradley L. Parker, Lcpl. Shane E. Kielion, Sgt. Rafael Peralta, Lcpl. James E. Swain, Cpl. Lance M. Thompson, Capt. Patrick Marc M. Rapicault, Lcpl. Antoine D. Smith, Lcpl. William L. Miller

November 16: PFC Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia, Lcpl. Louis W. Qualls, Spc. Daniel James McConnell, 1st Lt. Luke C. Wullenwaber, Ssgt. Marshall H. Caddy, Sgt. Christopher T. Heflin

November 17: Lcpl. Michael Wayne Hanks

November 18: Lcpl. Luis A. Figueroa, Sgt. Joseph M. Nolan

November 19: Lcpl. Demarkus D. Brown, Lcpl. Michael A. Downey, Lcpl. Philip G. West, Lcpl. Dimitrios Gavriel, Cpl. Bradley Thomas Arms

Noveber 20: Spc. David L. Roustum, Lcpl. Joseph T. Welke, Sgt. Jack Bryant Jr., Cpl. Joseph J. Heredia

November 22: Spc. Blain M. Ebert, Cpl. Michael R. Cohen

November 23: Sgt. Benjamin C. Edinger

November 24: Sgt. Nicholas S. Nolte, Spc. Sergio R. Diaz Varela

November 25: Lcpl. Jeffrey Scott Holmes, PFC Ryan J. Cantafio, Cpl. Gentian Marku

November 26: Lcpl. Bradley M. Faircloth, Pvt. Brian K. Grant, PFC Harrison J. Meyer, Lcpl. David B. Houck, Lcpl. Jordan D. Winkler

November 27: Lcpl. Joshua E. Lucero, Spc. Jeremy E. Christensen, Cpl. Kirk J. Bosselman, Sgt. Michael A. Smith

November 28: Lcpl. Adam R. Brooks, Ssgt. Michael B. Shackelford, Lcpl. Charles A. Harrison Jr., Sgt. Carl W. Lee, Sgt. Trinidad R. Martinezluis, PFC Stephen C. Benish

November 29: Sgt. Christian C. Engeldrum, PFC Wilfredo F. Urbina, Spc. Daryl A. Davis, Spc. Blake A. Magaoay, Spc. Erik W. Hayes

November 30: Sgt. Pablo A. Calderon, Sgt Jose A. Guereca Jr.

Details on these soldiers can be found at Iraq Coalition Casualties.


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