Its amazing how busy you can become doing nothing...
After the weekend I had and the weekI have planned, I needed a day of down time. I should mention that yesterday went well. The 25 mile route of the North Shore Century was very picturesque but I wish I had had time to do a longer route. I did feel though, that it was important for me, as a veteran, to be at the anti-war protest in Barrington. The protest was very good and the people that were there in the spirit of the demonstration understood that it was supposed to be a memorial service for the fallen soldiers. The Protest Warriors were there with there asinine signs but they stayed off to one side and didn't try to interrupt anything. There was one guy though, who walked through the crowd with several inflammatory signs and looked like he was trying to start something. When the police finally escorted him away, it looked like he was in handcuffs although the Chicago Tribune stated that no one was arrested. The coffin pulled by a wagon followed by processors with lilies and the name of a fallen soldier was quite the stirring sight.
Today, after a very busy day at work, I went through my email (God, I'm glad that my spam filter works well) and sent off a couple of emails, neither of which I respect a reply from but they were somethings that I had to do. After that, I listened to the Des Plaines city council meeting while signing up for Netflix. I put 37 movies in my queue and rated several hundred more. With a shipping point in the Chicago area, there should be a really good turn-around.
Tomorrow, I plan on taking part in a conference call for training to be a poll monitor. It should be pretty interesting.
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