Parenthesis Holiday Toy Sale
This is going to be pretty short because I'm starting relatively late. I volunteered tonight with SASC helping Parenthesis set up for their Holiday Toy Sale on Saturday. Parenthesis is a nonprofit group in Oak Park that helps low income and or single mothers gain the skills they need to be good parents. They have three sales a year, two clothing and the toy sale in November that help them pay for the work that they do. We were supposed to be there for three hours but as usual, we are very organized and are able to get all of the work that needs to be done quickly. Most of the people that were there were newbies but it didn't matter, we are very efficient at our work.
The Iraq war casualty total is up to 1147. 26 Americans and 4 Brits have died this month. I had said yesterday that the total was up to 1139 which would indicate that 8 Americans were killed today but according to the present totals only one soldier died today. There were however, 1 casualty added to yesterday's total, 5 for Monday, and 1 more on the 4th. I guess I'm just going to keep track of the totals.
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