Catching Up
I know that I haven't written anything in a few days although I'm not sure whether I wrote last on Friday or Saturday so I'll start on Friday. The Aesthetic Eye opened their latest show on Friday and extended the run of my friend Guy. He had two new pieces in addition to the work that he had brought initially. The opening kept him very busy which was a good thing. He is in contract talks for one commission, there was serious interest in a couple of other pieces, and he started talks with someone for another commision. Hopefully they both pan out. I'm commissioning something from him as a gift for someone but it's small.
Saturday, was Make a Difference Day. I worked at the Greater Chicago Food Depository with SASC. I have worked at GCFD several times and we have done several different things, Saturday we packaged dry rigatoni. The rigatoni comes in 730 pound boxes and it gets packaged in 1 1/2 pound bags. Having said that, it doesn't go directly from the big boxes to the individual bags. There are a couple of people that shovel the rigatoni from the boxes into 5 gallon buckets. I was one of these people on Saturday. From the buckets, people fill the 1 1/2 pound bags. The bags are then weighed, sealed, labeled, and boxed in groups of ten for shipment to different soup kitchens and shelters. I ended up shoveling about 2000 pounds of rigatoni in the three hours that I was there.
I was pretty tired when we finished but I went to my sister's and visited with my sister and brother-in-law, my parents, and my nephew. I stayed for dinner but I didn't stay too much later than that. I came home, tried to watch a movie (The Making of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) but was falling asleep on the couch so I ended up going to bed at 10:30 PM which is earlier than I normally go to bed during the week.
Sunday I got up at about 9 AM and went to church. The rest of the day was spent taking care of those things that you need to do to make your household function, grocery shopping, paying bills, and some light housework.
If you would have seen me today, you would have never guessed that I had done any housework. I got home and it became spring cleaning day in October. I spent several hours pulling things out of my cabinets, cleaning the cabinets, and washing the dishes that were in there. I haven't finished so tomorrow I get to continue.
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